The first day of classes (August 30th) went well. I only had one class, and that was Psychology 101. At this point in my life, I really think I should have taken all my required entry level courses when I was still fresh out of high school. But I was just being stubborn and picking only the classes which interested me at the time. My second day of classes (August 31th) was a little bit different. I had a Comparative Politics Course (GOVT 140) which I really liked, but my Anthropology course was just boring, and I knew that this course is going to be one of those challenging ones this semester. But no worries, because I leave everything up to God. Overall, my first few days of classes have been good so far. I was glad to see some of my old professors from last year and make those connections which WILL come in handy once I graduate and I need letters of recommendation to get into a good school for the Graduate Level. In this economy, it is important to know people not when you get to the job market, but before you get to the job market. Getting to know your professors is very important if you are going to be a successful student and a successful person in life, generally speaking.
This semester, I hope to accomplish a lot. First off, I PLAN on getting AT LEAST a 3.5 GPA. Now, that means I might have to sacrifice my social life for these next four months, but it's okay. There's nothing to do during the fall/winter anyway. I also plan on writing a lot of scholarship essays, which will really drain me mentally. This will take a lot of time, so I am aware that I will have to manage my time well this semester. I am tired of expecting financial aid to cover all of my expenses in higher education, and I am tired of taking out loans. I need to get on my "A" game, literally!!!!
Put God first in everything that you do in this life. Academics are not an exception to the rule! I know that when I put God first in anything, he moves and makes wonderful things happen in my life. So at this moment, I am speaking into existence of an excellent grade point average by the end of the semester. It has already been done in Heaven. Now all I need to do is just BELIEVE and do the work. TO ALL STUDENTS IN ACADEMIA-LAND, HAVE A GREAT SCHOOL YEAR!!!!